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~FULL.HD!>Watch! The Corporal and the Others™ #Movie (1965) Full OnLine.mOViE

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The Corporal and the Others

Watch The Corporal and the Others Online Streaming

The Corporal and the Others (1965)

Release : 1965-09-03
Genre : Comedy
Runtime : 111 minutes
Home Page :
Company : MAFILM Stúdió 3, Hungarian Filmproduction
Cast : Major Tamás, Sinkovits Imre, Darvas Iván, Pálos György, Ungváry László

PFC Molnár decides his WWII services are over, and with serious money hidden in his hand grenades, he heads to an abandoned mansion where he encounters not only the sour butler but a bunch of others who also try to wimp out of their duties.

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The Corporal and the Others

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